“When I first made up my mind to get my first dog, let alone a puppy, let alone a BIG puppy, I knew I would need someone to teach me how to be a responsible dog owner. Bridget was helpful to me before I even picked Peach up and held my hand every step of the way. From the early weeks of just bringing Peach home to today, Bridget has been such an amazing resource and wealth of knowledge.

She taught me the basics of how dogs understand and learn, and the way that I can set my dog up for the best success possible. She helped me gain confidence, set the precedence for my dog and to this day is somebody I can call with any question I have.

By the end of my sessions, I felt comfortable to travel with Peach, take her out and about, and enjoy our time at home. We’ve had a great first year together!”

— Makenzie S. Peach Started at 12 weeks old in our Puppy Program One on One Sessions

Beau is a big softy but somewhat insecure and was getting into some bad reactive habits to where my wife was not comfortable walking him. Life Unleashed has helped us a huge amount getting us and him comfortable in public, he’ll never be perfect I suspect but now my wife has the confidence and knowledge to handle a 180 lbs dog with relative ease. We’re excited we found such a great local resource.

Denver G. Beau 4 Week Board and Train Program with Shelby